Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What's the best medicine?

Laughter Baby! I've had a hell of a day and I really needed some energy boosting laughter time. So, what do I do? I go to the internet and it never lets me down! Of course, I must be careful to only find good clean fun and I do - oh I do! When times are tough and you feel like you're walking through the jungle where the lions sleeps just hum this little diddy and think of a fanciful dog and a refined hippo it's guaranteed to put a smile on your face! If that doesn't do the trick then just try not to have a good time dancing the peanut butter - jelly dance with a storm trooper! Or when you need a little luck all you need to do is look for the nearest tree full of birds! Ok ok for the naughty academic in us all - a little double Jeopardy! I hope you enjoy this tiny compilation of the silliness that I've gathered this evening!

And I leave you with this quote: "To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was YOU." Lewis B Smedes

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