Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fall Has Fleeted and Winter is A Coming!

You can choose a ready guide in some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice
You can choose from phantom fears and kindness that can kill
I will choose a path that's clear
I will choose freewill

"Freewill" Rush 1980

I love this song, but didn't really dissect the lyrics in my teens and early 20's. I especially like the line about choices because there are ALWAYS options. Sometimes things can seem so black and white but that's when we get stuck in this polarizing state of "have to's" which can be VERY dangerous. Although I would just like to clarify that freewill is not a choice it is given to us by God whom we can choose to follow or not because, of course, we have freewill.

Gearing up for Winter Quarter - hitting the books hard and loving it! Rock on!

Monday, September 7, 2009

I Can't Believe Summer is Over

Accomplished a lot - but not my classes - I'll have to do them in the winter and spring quarters instead. Busy busy busy summer! I feel like I got ripped off! Next summer will be better - we'll dance and sing and have picnics in our new yard... IT WILL BE AWESOME!

End of Summer Quote:

"When summer gathers up her robes of glory,And, like a dream, glides away."

~ Sarah Helen Whitman

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Spring Final's Over!

Whew! I'm so ready for a vacation - I hope my summer classes are easy! It's Art and Nutrition so maybe I can combine them into "Learning to Draw Fruits and Veggies!"

Here's my quote on this:

"Vegetables are a must on a diet. I suggest carrot cake, zucchini bread, and pumpkin pie." ~Jim Davis

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Home Stretch

8th week of Spring term and I'm soooo looking forward to a nice long break and nice small vacation! Dreams of campfires and hiking with my boys fill my head and make it hard to do my job and homework. So here's my tantrum and then I'll let it go - I waaaannnaaa gggooooo noooow! There I feel so much better now. I think we should be allowed a tantrum and a nap a day that would end a lot of conflict in this world I'm sure!

Instead of a quote I'm going to sign off with one of Jacob's favorite games "Would you Rather?" (probably because most of the questions are gross!)

Would you rather have a birthday party without your best friend there or have a birthday party where noone showed up except your best friend?

(Well I always like those smaller parties!)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I Can Breath Easy Now

Grades are in and all is GOOD! I won't gloat - but I did well, so now I can enjoy the rest of the break.

Quote: "If I had done everything I'm credited with, I'd be speaking to you from a laboratory jar at Harvard." - Frank Sinatra

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Spring Break - quote

Yeah finals are completed and now I can relax after work! Or maybe I'll get some extra stuff done so I can feel like hitting the books for Spring term.

So here's a quote dedicated to the Sociology of Deviance class I just completed:

"Whenever I'm caught between two evils, I take the one I've never tried." - Mae West

Here's to relaxation!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Great quote!

"Brains, like hearts, go where they are appreciated."
Robert S. McNamara, former U.S. Secretary of Defense
US businessman (1916 - )
This is so true! The great "thinkers" of the world give their minds to those they give their hearts to. Be kind to others; you may just need them to think you out of something!